
CSK Foundation

Our Programs

The CSK Foundation aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides
rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.


Understanding the game of numbers and logic to solve real-world problems.

Book Authoring

Students go through the details of structuring a novel, how to develop character arcs, plotting and character


CSK Robot3rs provides a dynamic and supportive environment for students who are passionate about
robotics and technolog.ith access to cutting-edge equipment and expert guidance from experienced
mentors, our club empowers students to pursue their goals and unlock their potential.

SAT Prep

With experienced and knowledgeable tutors, innovative teaching methods, and personalized study plans,
CSK SAT Prep provides comprehensive test preparation that helps students achieve their goals.


Our humanities team is comprised of a team of volunteers who are passionate about making a difference in the lives of the homeless. With a shared love for cooking, this group prepares nutritious and delicious meals that are donated to those in need.


Our Cricket team comprises of a skilled and dedicated group of players, this team the true spirit of cricket
with their teamwork, determination, and never-say-die attitude.